The first snow of 2014. I'm not entirely sure when they started naming snow storms but apparently this one was called "Hercules". This makes me laugh because all I can think of is that part in the Eddie Murphy version of The Nutty Professor. That's probably not what the weather community was going for when they named this storm. I know I'm not the only one who had this thought so maybe try harder with the name next time.
I don't like cold weather. It's weird because I like sweaters and coffee and the way snow looks on trees (especially at night) and a cozy blanket. But cold weather is terrible. Winter is my least favorite season. I used to enjoy winter back when I was in high school and wasn't responsible for getting myself anywhere or buying milk and toilet paper. A snow day meant something back then; now it just means a quiet day at work because schools are closed. And that I have to add ten minutes to my leaving time so I can clean off my car.

Of course I did pick the day after the first snow of 2014 and the coldest day of the winter so far. I dressed properly: layers, boots, hat (I know I never wear hats), and two pairs of gloves (one for cleaning off the car, one for being out and about). I set off with three destinations in mind: National Museum of American History, National Museum of Natural History, and the National Gallery of Art. These are three of my favorite museums in DC (the Freer is my fourth favorite) and I haven't been to any of them in over a year. What is wrong with me? I spend a lot of time at the museum I where I volunteer but not as much time at the others I love. This needs to change this year.
My plan for the day:
- See the new, expanded culinary exhibit at American History
- Visit the dinosaurs at Natural History (and have lunch)
- Catch the exhibit, Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris, before it closes this weekend
- Not freeze while walking between the museums

I did, however, enjoy the expanded culinary exhibit, FOOD: Transforming the American Table 1950-2000. Julia Child's kitchen went on display in 2004 (and it was supposed to be temporary) but was wildly popular. The exhibit featured her kitchen, from the KitchenAid stand mixer to the famous wall of pots and pans that her husband, Paul, designed for her. Her Garland stove is in one corner and a small bookcase of cookbooks and tapes of her shows are in the other. The original exhibit closed temporarily to make way for an expanded exhibit that builds on Julia Child's contribution to the food landscape in a America but also looks at other movements and important moments in transforming the way we eat. It's a great exhibit and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys food so you know, everyone.
Everything from the invention of the microwave to the Slow Food movement to wine making is in the exhibit. The museum's website also features an assortment of blogs and a nice interactive section on the exhibit.

As I was walking through the dinosaur exhibit, I overheard a brother and sister talking. The boy was around 7 or 8 and the girl was probably 12. The boy pointed at one of the fossil displays and asked, "What dinosaur is that?" The girl replied, "I don't know. Let's go read and find out." I was so proud of them and saw them a few more times reading about the different fossil displays as I walked around the exhibit hall. They were so engrossed in what they were doing. This is what I love about museums.
I didn't venture to the gems because I'm pretty sure every single person who wasn't looking at the dinosaurs was there. One day, I'll figure out the right day and time to go to the gem exhibit without feeling like I'm at a crowded sporting event. I took a picture of Henry, the African elephant that's in the Rotunda. Everyone loves Henry.
My last stop of the day was the National Gallery of Art. I also walked through the Sculpture Garden since it's on the way. It's rather pretty covered in snow. There's also the ice skating rink; I skipped this as I figured it wouldn't be a great idea to ice skate alone. I'd probably break something.
I love listening to people talk about the Sculpture Garden. The metal tree, Graft, always gets them. Some people think it's funny, others odd. It's fun to listen to people's first reactions to art. I experience this at the museum where I volunteer.
The last time I went to the National Gallery of Art it was to see a photography exhibit too. Special photography exhibits are always in the same terrible gallery in the west wing of the museum. The main part of the gallery is fine; you can view the photographs and not bump into people or have to wait if people are discussing the image or reading slowly. The problem is with the entrance and exit to the space. They're both narrow and ideally you'd view the photographs on either side of the entrance (or exit) but it's impossible. The space is too small and everyone stands and discusses the piece. So I always have to circle back and do the entrance twice and then go through the rest of the exhibit and then see the exit twice. People probably think I'm being disruptive but there's not real flow to any of the exhibits I've seen in the space.

I finished my day with a very cold walk back to the Metro. I took a few more pictures of the Mall and tried to keep my face from freezing. I was glad I braved the cold to spend some time at my favorite places along the Mall. It was nice to see that so many other people had the same idea as me. I will probably never love winter the way I do fall and spring but I understand it's charm. And I understand that you should never waste a snow day.

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