- TFA reminds me more of the original trilogy; there's humor, likable characters, and you get the feeling it doesn't take itself too seriously (which was a huge problem for the prequels).
- Poe Dameron ≠ Wedge Antilles. More on this shortly.
- BB8 is as endearing as R2D2.
- We now know how Leia updated her iconic hairstyle for a more mature look. It's similar to a look she wore when in Endor during Return of the Jedi but there's an air of older, wiser and more powerful about her now.
- Watching any sort of aerial fight in this movie never gets old.
- Rey. That is all.
One of the things I've always appreciated about Star Wars is the very personal and unique ways in which fans experience the movies and related universe. Everyone seems to have a Star Wars story of some kind: the first time they saw one of the original movies (in the theater or not), playing Star Wars in their backyard with their friends, making up adventures for your action figures like that time Han and Chewie rescued a Barbie in the Millennium Falcon, seeing an adult camped out in front of a movie theater in a full Storm Trooper costume when the movies were re-released in the theaters (I was going to see another movie), the opening notes of any of John Williams's score. Like a lot of artists, George Lucas had his own intentions and purposes when creating this world but it's taken on a life of its own. Maybe he was prepared for that, maybe he wasn't. I have no idea what I would do if something I created had such a following that everyone knew about it without even having to watch it. I got the sense that this was happening in the theater for a lot of people.
Another element of Star Wars I appreciate is the generational appeal of the franchise. Unlike a lot of other movies and series targeted at families or at least family adjacent, it's actually something that entertains parents as much as children. Parents, some of whom remember their own first experiences with Star Wars, can enjoy it in a way that other Disney movies (let's face reality) and animated movies don't capture. It's funny, sad, hopeful, desperate, romantic, action-packed, and fantastical all at the same time. Star Wars captures the imagination and inspires that imagination to move further and further into a galaxy far, far away.

What I didn't expect him to do was buy a Chewbacca coat. I bought my Rebel Alliance/Imperial Forces cardigan a month ago and had no idea he would buy this coat. It's awesome. I've learned a lot of things from Scott over the years and being a proud nerd is the thing I love the most. He does not care if anyone thinks what he likes is nerdy; he likes what he likes and that's that. This coat is a symbol of that confidence.
We went to an 11 am showing on Saturday with our dad (who forgot he was going and who had to be talked into wearing a Storm Troopers shirt). Scott was one of the most costumed people in the theater; I counted two Storm Troopers sans helmets, a half Darth Vader, and a possible Kylo Ren. I expected more but mostly it was people in t-shirts and sweatshirts (like me) that made up the audience. Excited conversation filled the theater from kids and adults alike. There was applause during the movie mostly when a beloved character reappeared. The audible gasps at points throughout were a surprise; you'll know where once you see it. And of course, applause at the end of the movie as the credits rolled.

All in all, my TFA experience was exactly as I hoped it would be. I was at a party this weekend and was asked multiple times if I enjoyed the movie and if it was worth it. Here's my response: you know when you're a kid and you get really excited about something and then that thing happens and it's a total let down? This was the exact opposite of that feeling. TFA is not my favorite Star Wars movie (that will always be The Empire Strikes Back) but it's certainly worthy of the originals and a wonderful beginning to a new series of adventures in the world of the Jedis, the Dark Side, and a new hope.
Wedge Antilles meme
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